Authors Den
The Authors Den is a podcast where authors of different genres and walks of life share their messages and stories to the world. Here they share the ups and downs, as well as the ins and outs of their career. From real authors with real results, The Authors Den Podcast brings a couple of tips, some inspiration, and maybe just a little bit of tough love to keep you writing towards that goal.
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Wyatt Allen was born and raised in a small town in South Florida without a father or mother. His grandmother raised him with good morals and ethics. He grew up in a humble home and struggled through school while overcoming his challenges with dyslexia.
Wyatt Allen taught himself how to read and write. And as a young man, He dreamed of becoming a great writer sharing his imagination with the world.
The works of Stephen King, Salem lot, Carrie, and the green mile play a role in how he became a good writer today.
Indeed, Wyatt's book is a page-turner. You may check out his works on Amazon:
The Summerhill Manor blood curse
The Summerhill Manor blood curse 2: Margaret's return
The Night Timmy Met God